Yeah I have not gotten the autoreload to work eith...
# ktor
Yeah I have not gotten the autoreload to work either, do not understand it
I've got it to work now. You have to put the name of your module into the "application.conf" file ( the one that is in the "resources" folder.
Looks like this currently:
ktor { application { modules = [ io.ktor.samples.hello.HelloApplicationKt.main ] } }
and should look like this:
ktor { deployment { watch = [ google-appengine-standard ] } application { modules = [ io.ktor.samples.hello.HelloApplicationKt.main ] } }
(that is, if your module is called ""google-appengine-standard" )
and then open the gradle window and look for the tasks "appengineStart" and "appengineStop"
whenever you change the source, you need to run the "build" task ( from the "build" folder in the gradle window)
if you want to automate it, add a gradle build task for "build", and add the argument "-t"
or run this in a new terminal: gradle -t build
> @frellan