I'm curious, why did `ktor` go the servlet route i...
# ktor
I'm curious, why did
go the servlet route instead of running on top of Netty ?
i removed servlets from GWT apps in a project called Relaxfactory, and supported hosting through static http (GWT is js blobs) or couchdb doc/attachment hierarchies with GWT bootstrapping the RPC it needs to the java middle tier. im hoping since the devs want to go native for CIO that they can use the benefit of such prior art.
ByteBuffer is a powerful and useful abstraction even though java inheritance really made it a bear. the JS world has taken a shine to ByteBuffer as well especially surrounding proto in nodejs.
runs on Netty, Jetty, or servlet. You can choose. Why do you think it runs only as a servlet?
💯 2
@orangy I was reading some articles last night about Ktor and both only mentioned Tomcat, so I assumed it only does servlet. That's awesome that you get to choose between servlet and using Netty!
I have an app using Netty on production. Very happy with it. Boot up time is impressive. I still need to find time to upgrade to latest version tho.
I'm surprised @orangy didn't mention that they are also working on a kotlin/coroutines native backend. Unless that has changed @orangy?