Will CodeWithMe come bundled with Android Studio? ...
# intellij
Will CodeWithMe come bundled with Android Studio? I see EAP versions that work with Android Studio but not yet reach stable. Is there a timeline for when it will reach stable?
💯 I'm very much looking forward to trying to keep a CWM session open 24/7 so I can code on my powerful tower PC vs the cheaper laptop I have. Really can't wait for full AS support in CWM.
I’m not sure why thats happening, but when i work with codewithme idea does not show me all the features, so i don’t think its a good solution to do all the work on it.
for example it has only a subset of refactorings, maybe thats documented somewhere
👍 1
😱 1
but as far as intelij ide support codeWithMe is better. and im comparing it to its rival CodeTogether