soooo... a little bird told me that... ehm.... the...
# intellij
soooo... a little bird told me that... ehm.... there could be the possibility... ehmmm to get IntelliJ discount codes for some of my Android course students 😬 I already got a 100% discount code from the Android Developers Italy . Any chances to get some more? They used IJ Ultimate during the course and I don't want them to switch to Android Studio 😂
Use EAP ^^ (shh, don't tell anyone ; p)
what advantages does IJ ultimate have for android development? i thought everybody uses android studio
@Tomasz Krakowiak "I also like to live dangerously" 😂 @christophsturm I have been using IJ myself for a few years now and I find it superior in stability and features. As many in the Android community, I strongly believe that AS should not exist. It should just be a good plugjn for IJ and not a whole IDE that comes in 15 different versions, with an astonishing bouquet of bugs and degrees of instability. Manufactures created Android device fragmentation and Google created Android IDE fragmentation: "lucky us" 😂
EAP is not free no?
t "The Early Access Program (EAP) provides free access to pre-release builds of our products: you can try our new features out early in return for your valuable feedback." "Both Community and Ultimate Edition EAP builds can be used for any purpose, including writing proprietary or commercial software. Note, however, that because EAPs are always works in progress, some of their features might not always work as expected. Please use these builds at your own risk."
👍 1
If you want to negotiate discounts, write to JB sales team. I don’t think this is the appropriate communication medium for requesting discounts.
@ivanmorgillo Well I like having my own 'IDE' specifically for AS development...