i figured out how to change the default SDK. i can...
# intellij
i figured out how to change the default SDK. i cannot figure out why the editor is constantly reporting issues in every build.gradle.kts even though everything actually builds properly
Because the ide doesn't necessarily do the same as your command line. Think you are missing some config. Try to remove the idea stuff and reimport the project properly as a gradle project, may help
i have, multiple times 😞
Strange, for me it always works when the script is error free after reimport. Old gradle, old intellij?
latest gradle, latest intellij
Is your project open source?
sadly, no
i figured out one of the major causes of my issues, trying to configure multi-module projects in the parent using type-safe model accessors. It all appears to work fine from the command line, but intellij throws a fit. Apparently moreso now than it used to? hell, i even now apparently have to get the configurations before referencing them in all child projects.
Copy code
val api by configurations
val implementation by configurations

dependencies {
    // API as JsonNode is exposed in the interface
in all child projects
That feature works for me in a dozen projects, so sorry, really no idea what your problem could be. For an open source project i would have taken a look, but unfortunately i can't help you otherwise i guess. Are you using a mac? (Serious question)
yep, on a mac
so frustrating, even when i apply the plugin in the submodule, intellij complains about the config (though, it functions 100% from command line)
Okay, i may have biased experience but i often times saw really weird errors with gradle in macs. If reimport or reload gradle project doesn't help, i have no idea, but i would bet a dime that the problem doesn't exist on a linux machine.