Hello, World! I quite often unwillingly trigger so...
# intellij
Hello, World! I quite often unwillingly trigger some kind of Column Selection Mode, when typing some combination of alt and down arrow. But the only shortcut I see for CSM is alt shift 8, so I don't get it. Any idea of what it could be?
Perhaps you’re triggering
Clone Caret [Above|Below]
option? Not sure what’s the default shortcut for it (if any)
it looks like there's no shortcut for it on my setup
So what’s exactly the issue, how does it look like? There’s three more things I know of: - selecting with mouse cursor but pressing middle button instead of left, triggers CSM - selecting text using left mouse button but with left alt pressed triggers CSM - pressing alt twice (hold second time) and pressing up/down arrows triggers caret cloning mode
that's it!!!!!!! The third one! Good catch!. Do you know if there's a way to disable it?
I recall chasing it for quite some time myself back when I started using IJ 🙂 I don’t know if there’s a way to disable it, I think I just stopped pressing alt twice 🤔
Actually there is:
👏 1
wooooow! Thank you so much!
👍 1
this thing has been bothering me for ... years (I kid you not)
never could understand how I was triggering it
It is pretty obscure, doesn’t even show up in presentation assistant
@bod I have never ever triggered this by accident. I am just wondering, what are you doing when you accidently trigger this?
The thing is I've set alt cmd down to "select word" and I do it all the time (find it handy). So inevitably I guess I press alt twice without realizing