multiple-screen on linux is broken for years now
# intellij
multiple-screen on linux is broken for years now
That is due to IntelliJ using Swing, which has very poor GTK support. Seems that GTK support gets worse with every new IntelliJ version. If the Linux version of IntelliJ was written using Kotlin (via Kotlin Native), and used the GTK library then multi screen support would be reasonably solid simple smile.
what's the status of GTK in Mac and Windows?
Don't know but keep in mind that GTK is native in the top three Linux Desktop distributions: 1. Ubuntu (uses Gnome 3 desktop) 2. Linux Mint (uses Cinnamon desktop) 3. Fedora (uses Gnome 3 desktop)
Sure, but I don't see JetBrains having to manage several toolkits at the same time.
also you can use GTK applications anywhere on Linux, even if your desktop is not GTK based.
True however going cross platform means that the user experience, and platform integration suffers.
you mean running GTK apps on a Qt based DE? no not really, it is pretty transparent
I remember having similar issues with multi screens using JavaFX, but with some tweaks it could be resolved
Support for Swing will end in 2026 ( - page 4 ). After that point IntelliJ's Linux support will get significantly worse over time.