hi guys, I'm trying to use Scratch file, but I don...
# intellij
hi guys, I'm trying to use Scratch file, but I don't know how to make "log", or "print" something. I notice that exist a
Scratch output
but it does not show any printed data
Scratch output is shown directly in the editor for the expressions with some result. Could you paste a code example that you try to evaluate?
Image from iOS.jpg
I thought it would be possible to print the values into the console, pretty much like xcode playground for swift
Why do you need the output in the separate console? Does the output in the editor isn't convinient for you?
Sometimes it easy to see in the console, also I guess I’m used to it kkkkk But, when I interate over some loop I would like to what was happening with some output just to some fast interaction
Sometimes (especially with rxjava code) output in the editor is very inconvenient, because it will print everything in one line For example here, when I can’t place the code in top level, because then those `val`s would be properties that are all initialized before running the rest of the code