is there a configuration to somehow highlight acce...
# intellij
is there a configuration to somehow highlight access to properties or values with Java Platform type besides displaying hints? e.g. if I have a bean
Copy code
class JavaBean {
    private String a;
    public String getA() { return this.a; }
I want access in K to be marked somehow, e.g. weak warning or underline or color
private a: String;
whenever I switch back to writing Java I screw up the order of everything for the first 30 seconds lmao
hahaha, 😄 yeah, that's a thing now 😄 fixed
About the only thing I’ve seen is the intention “Function or property has platform type”. BUT all it does is warn you if you assign it to a variable and aren’t explicit about the type. Having seen anything in colour coding, or intentions stronger than that.