Hi guys. I have an android sdk project that I uplo...
# android
Hi guys. I have an android sdk project that I upload to Github packages using maven plugin for Android Studio. Is there any way to not publish the sources.jar? I want my source code to remain hidden for the SDK consumers… This is my gradle part
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publishing {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = "GithubPackages"
            url = uri("<https://maven.pkg.github.com/>...")
            credentials {
                username = "..."
                password = "..."
The global properties file should be located in your home directory: • On Windows: C:\Users\<you>\.gradle\gradle.properties • On Mac/Linux: /Users/<you>/.gradle/gradle.properties
Thanks, but I cant find that file…. 😞
Create a new file
@Vitaliy Zarubin how will it help us to prevent users from downloading jars itself? Anyway they download source code while using dependency, so it could be decompiled or broken in any other way. Am I wrong?
This is an assembly, there will be no passwords in the jar, they are needed only for assembly
This will clear the repository from passwords.
Yeah. This is still unclear to me. I still don’t understand how to ‘tell’ maven not to create sources.jar and upload it. I’m currently trying to disable the Sources.jar tasks. I’ll update if this works… thanks guys for your help
I still don’t understand how to ‘tell’ maven not to create sources.jar and upload it
I’m not sure it is possible. Dependency can’t work without source code, because it’s compiling in build time.
The only thing you can try is obfuscation, to make your sources barely readable.
Or I’ve missed the initial problem?
I tried to do that but it didn’t seem to work (I’m not sure but it seems like the obfuscation only happens after the sources are generated)
I’m not sure but it seems like the obfuscation only happens after the sources are generated
Don’t really know about it.
Сredentials are only needed to get dependencies, not for the application to work. there should be no passwords in the build. If this is not the case, I will be surprised)
The credentials are not the problem, we want to keep the repo private, but just hide the sources…
By the same logic - repo is needed to get the dependency. I don't think they somehow figure in the finished build.
I looked at the build process for publishing and I saw that the first two stages are generating the sources, and the minify only happens near the end.. I’m not an expert on the subject but it feels very strange to me… • coreandroidDebugSourcesJar • coreandroidReleaseSourcesJar • corepreBuild • coreextractProguardFiles • corepreDebugBuild • corecompileDebugAidl • coremergeDebugJniLibFolders • coremergeDebugNativeLibs • corestripDebugDebugSymbols • corecopyDebugJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars • corecompileDebugRenderscript • coregenerateBuildKonfig • coregenerateDebugBuildConfig • coregenerateDebugResValues • coregenerateDebugResources • corepackageDebugResources • coreparseDebugLocalResources • coreprocessDebugManifest • corejavaPreCompileDebug • coremergeDebugShaders • corecompileDebugShaders • coregenerateDebugAssets • corepackageDebugAssets • corepackageDebugRenderscript • coreprepareLintJarForPublish • coreprocessDebugJavaRes • corewriteDebugAarMetadata • corepreReleaseBuild • corecompileReleaseAidl • coremergeReleaseJniLibFolders • coremergeReleaseNativeLibs • corestripReleaseDebugSymbols • corecopyReleaseJniLibsProjectAndLocalJars • corecompileReleaseRenderscript • coregenerateReleaseBuildConfig • coregenerateReleaseResValues • coregenerateReleaseResources • corepackageReleaseResources • coreparseReleaseLocalResources • coreprocessReleaseManifest • corejavaPreCompileRelease • coremergeReleaseShaders • corecompileReleaseShaders • coregenerateReleaseAssets • corepackageReleaseAssets • corepackageReleaseRenderscript • coreprocessReleaseJavaRes • corewriteReleaseAarMetadata • coregeneratePomFileForAndroidPublication • coregenerateDebugRFile • coregenerateDebugLibraryProguardRules • coregenerateReleaseRFile • coregenerateReleaseLibraryProguardRules • corecompileDebugKotlinAndroid • BufferingMeter.kt • ‘when’ expression on enum is recommended to be exhaustive, add ‘STATE_IDLE’, ‘STATE_ENDED’ branches or ‘else’ branch instead • ‘when’ expression on enum is recommended to be exhaustive, add ‘STATE_IDLE’, ‘STATE_ENDED’ branches or ‘else’ branch instead • ‘when’ expression on enum is recommended to be exhaustive, add ‘STATE_IDLE’, ‘STATE_ENDED’ branches or ‘else’ branch instead • ‘when’ expression on enum is recommended to be exhaustive, add ‘STATE_IDLE’, ‘STATE_ENDED’ branches or ‘else’ branch instead • CoViewClientImpl.kt • MessengerFeatureImpl.kt • RoomStateSerializer.kt • PositionSynchronizer.kt • corecompileDebugJavaWithJavac • coreextractDebugAnnotations • coremergeDebugGeneratedProguardFiles • coremergeDebugConsumerProguardFiles • coremergeDebugJavaResource • corecompileReleaseKotlinAndroid • corecompileReleaseJavaWithJavac • coreextractReleaseAnnotations • coremergeReleaseGeneratedProguardFiles • coremergeReleaseConsumerProguardFiles • coremergeReleaseJavaResource • coreminifyDebugWithR8 • coresyncDebugLibJars • corebundleDebugAar • coreminifyReleaseWithR8 • coresyncReleaseLibJars • corebundleReleaseAar • coregenerateMetadataFileForAndroidPublication • corepublishAndroidPublicationToMavenLocal
Seems like skipping the tasks actually did the trick. Feels like a terrible hack but I guess it will do for now. just added this to the end of the gradle file :
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tasks.whenTaskAdded {
    if (name.contains("SourcesJar")) {
        this.enabled = false
If anyone knows of a better way, please share. Thanks everybody 😀 worth mentioning the the gradle file is in kotlin
And how users will use your sdk then?
Does it works?
Yeah, I looked in the github packages page and there is no sources.jar
The api for the SDK is still available, they just can’t see the source files themselves
🙂 1
How is that possible...
Can you explain, how is it possible to use sdk api without api itself?
I don't think you can remove sdk api and have it at the same time
Yes, so what do we have: 1. Yaniv removed sdk sources, so that means removed api too 2. It is possible to use api 3. Api doesn't exists 4. 🤯
The api is still there. The sdk is compiled and uploaded as an aar file to github.
it’s looks like this
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private const final val TAG: kotlin.String /* compiled code */
it’s still there, but you can’t see the implementation…
Ohhhhh damned
I got you
😄 1
and there is no ‘download sources’ from the android studio
This is solved with minimization
minify = true? I tried but the sources.jar was still uploaded and that wasn’t minified
so when Android studio suggests ‘download sources’ it would download the sources and show the implementation… really annoying
Hmmm I think that exactly what Vitaliy was talking about - gradle.properties
umm… I think that only works locally, it would not work for some client who tries to consume the sdk. I could be wrong though..
Don't know, I have this enabled in my SDK, but don't remember how exactly - can't take a look now, because out of pc