hi all, is this right way to declare dependency fo...
# android
hi all, is this right way to declare dependency for coroutine dispatcher using KOIN , i'm worried about this as Dispatcher.IO and Dispatcher.Default are of same type while Main is of different type. This might be ambiguous
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val diCoroutineModule = module {
    single { <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>  }
    single { Dispatchers.Main }
    single { Dispatchers.Default }
Something similar ins HILT
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object CoroutinesModule {

    fun providesDefaultDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default

    fun providesIoDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>

    fun providesMainDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main

    fun providesMainImmediateDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main.immediate
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val diUseCaseModule = module {
    factory { LoginUseCase(get(), dispatcher = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) }
else i will have to be explicit about the dispatcher in the UseCaseModule
im a fan of the following:
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data class AppCoroutineDispatchers(
    val io: CoroutineDispatcher,
    val computation: CoroutineDispatcher,
    val main: CoroutineDispatcher
☝️ 2
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fun provideCoroutineDispatchers() = AppCoroutineDispatchers(
    io = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>,
    computation = Dispatchers.Default,
    main = Dispatchers.Main
Sorry for my ignorance, @brandonmcansh, the code you gave, is it KOIN ?
its Dagger, but could be applied the same i'd think. the core concept should be translatable
single { AppCoroutineDispatchers(io = .., computation = ..., main = ....) }
in Koin it is little bit different however .
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val diUseCaseModule = module {
    factory { LoginUseCase(get(), dispatcher = get()) }
dependency get auto resolved just be this code
ah true, been a minute since I used koin
when i define this
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val diCoroutineModule = module {
    single { <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>  }
    single { Dispatchers.Main }
    single { Dispatchers.Default }
it grammar is ambiguous as get() can resolve to IO and Default that is what i'm confused about
Login use case appears like this
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class LoginUseCase(private val authRepository: AuthRepository, private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher)
could you
interface IODispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher
and couple it w/ a factory
to create IODispatcher
hm, let me try, main intent here is id don't want to couple the nature of the dispatcher to the loginusecase constructor, it should be able to accept any CoroutineDispatcher. Only way to solve this is to declare the dependency explicitly, like this.
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val diUseCaseModule = module {
    factory { LoginUseCase(get(), dispatcher = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) }
yeah I see where you're going
if you go the data class route and inject that, then your usecase can just do
withContext(<http://dispatchers.io|dispatchers.io>) { }
i see
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val coroutines = module {
    single(named("Background")) { Dispatchers.Default}
    single(named("IO")) { <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>}
    single<CoroutineDispatcher> (named("Main")) { Dispatchers.Main}
👍 2
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val mainDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher by inject(named("Main"))
    val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher by inject(named("Background"))
Ah nice didn't know koin had named support