```Why enter twice?``` ``````
# android
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Why enter twice?
Becauses of recomposition
you really shouldn’t do this
composable can be called multiple times, you do not handle lifecycle callback corretly, yu adding it on every recompoise
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is there another optimal way to know the life cycle? I need to know when it goes to destroy to free up resources
What are you trying to achieve?
your scope lifecycle should be driven by navigation and not by composition
I would add a OnDestinationChangedListener to the navController and control the lifecycle from there
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I need to delete the ExoPlayer instance
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in a fragment it would be canceling the onDestroy method, in this new approach I don't know very well where to release it, so I was looking for a way to know the life cycle
So you want to release player onDestroy or when composable is removed from screen? It’s not the same
If you just want have fragment lifecycle, just create player onCreate and release onDestroy of fragment
if you want to scope it to composable, you probably need DisposableEffect: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/side-effects#disposableeffect
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I found this way of doing it and I would like to know your opinion, as I understand it is only invoked once factory of AndroidView, it is there that when the screen is destroyed I call destroy () that is executed in the context of the activity and I can free the resources and destroy the ExoPlayer instance
It still looks a bit strange for me, and just a pure hack