Difference between KOTLIN class and KOTLIN file in...
# android
Difference between KOTLIN class and KOTLIN file in android studio ?
You mean in the "New" dialog?
The first one adds
class Foo { }
as content, the second one not, if you for example only want to put extension function and properties in
Actually I used both in two different files And now the class icon is same like other KOTLIN classes but the file icon is different even I have a class inside it with file name
Not sure what you mean, can you show a screenshot with annotations?
ChangePhoneValidateFrag is class CommentsFragment is file But both have classes with file name declared inside then how they look different
The second has something additional, for example extension functions or extension properties
Or another class
As I said in CommentsFragment a class named CommentsFragment is declared and nothing special just a fragment implementation
Are you sure there are not other classes, top-level functions, top-level properties, extension functions, extension properties, ...?
You can reproduce this Simply use New dialog and select new kotlin file then declare a class of file name in it so it will look different
No, works fine here. Granted I use IntelliJ, not AS, but AS is basically a customized IJ.
👍 1
are you sure the spelling is the same between the file name and class name?
@Vampire after deleting these two variables the class icon changed to expected icon,
Copy code
private const val ARG_PARAM1 = "param1"
private const val ARG_PARAM2 = "param2"
I see these two variables are declared outside of class declaration and may be this change is reflected in file icon
Of course, "correct icon" is not right, "expected icon" probably is. It indeed is correct, that the file-like icon is shown if there is more than the class, like a second class as I showed or some other top-level declarations like properties, constants or functions. The class-like icon is only shown if the file only contains one class and that class is named ike the file.