Maybe rename this channel to <#C5MLF04V9|android-k...
# android
Maybe rename this channel to #android-kotlin-questions-only So it's not #android-questions-that-belong-on-stackoverflow 😂
stackoverflow 1
👍 4
It’s weird because it’s so nice to post questions on stack overflow and get your answers. It’s like receiving free gifts
There's an immediacy to Slack that stack overflow lacks. I worry for them.
For stack overflow or for the people that didn’t developed the art of patience?
There's the Android United slack if you want a slack for Android
It's a bad idea. If you remove the #android channel, they will write Android general questions on the #general channel.
😂 3
😁 1
They do that already 😂 But at least the channel name will still contain Android 🙂
Maybe it's time someone build a product called "slack overflow"
😂 2
For stack overflow or for the people that didn't developed the art of patience?
I worry for Stack Overflow, and the searchable internet. It's not great that Slack does not get indexed by Google.
☝🏻 1
👍 2
Interesting point, it would be interesting if public channels, even if restricted by invite, would have their threads indexed. Very interesting.
Fairly new to this slack community - is it acceptable to post general android questions here then?
Read the slack channel description
Cool, thanks - hadn't seen that. Will check out the alternatives.
In my potentially worthless opinion: People like to chat. People like the human connection that comes from chat. People like to ask other humans for answers before they go google something if they can. stackoverflow is slow, S is fast. Despite all the people saying that you can not ask non Kotlin related questions here the questions are still getting answers. This feeds into the effectiveness of coming here first. Lots of developers are working against deadlines so a fast answer is worth a lot. there is just no ceremony to getting help here. The bar to entry in stackoverflow is way higher in contrast. I personally see the lack of willingness to give help to others as toxic behaviour. The good Samaritan is the one who gives help, not the one who says they could but you asked for it in the wrong place. The evidence shows that the channel description is not effective. If you don't want people asking those questions here then much more stringent measures need to be taken. But honestly why bother fighting it? Just let it be. Kotlin makes it's money from Android and it's community, why cause frustration for it's main clients??
For a counterpoint: There's Android United (it's slack) for generic Android questions. These channels are for jetbrains/Google to monitor so they can help identify issues related to kotlin and Android quicker. By adding random questions, you're affect the signal to noise ratio for them and making them think this channel is not as useful for them. By not reading the channel description before posting, you're also not respecting the community guidelines you accepted when joining this slack...