Embedded emulator is using way much memory. Anyone...
# android
Embedded emulator is using way much memory. Anyone experiencing the same issue? Any ideas why this happens?
this is for kotlin talk but the answer is, nobody gives a shit about emulator at google worth a damn.
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need a “simulator”
I'm not sure if I follow. Simulator?
simulator can have performance improvements cause it’s not trying to be 1:1
Are there any simulators for Android on Mac?
maybe genymotion
Do you use SSD?
yea but i dont use the emulator as it is slow and gets slower and slower
16GB ram + SSD works pretty normal with android studio and emulator
Yeah. 16 gb is great. My combination is 8 gb + ssd 😐🤦
The question is why standalone emulator performs better than embedded.
Try to create swap partition 8-24gb if possible
I don't know if that's an option on mac.
hmm, mas should do that itself
Sorry, advices is over, i never had been developing under 8gb
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This is bottleneck of android development. Greedy instruments
I had a lot of headache on my linux even with 16gb
but i've found a solution - separate code and data, move code to ssd, allocate swap partition etc
Seems like it is not your case
16gb on Linux works great for me. I only have problem on 8g Mac. But, at least the emulator works better than embedded ones.
I think the emulator is working better and better, giving a great performance, especially compared to a couple of years ago However, I also notice that the embedded emulator is not that great in performance. Perhaps because it doesn't run in its own instance? Also it is rather new/experimental so perhaps it will improve
@Joost Klitsie gotcha you're right i guess because when embedded emulator is run, IDE's max memory is exhausted. So, it probably literally runs inside the IDE and uses its resources.