hi. I use Hilt and fun suspend, it works but in an...
# android
hi. I use Hilt and fun suspend, it works but in android unit test i must use fake and i tried Mockito but it doesn't work. And no examples on the net with hilt, coroutines and mockito
đź‘€ 1
fake != mock
You never use mockito with hilt ? Only fake classes into test modules ?
@pitpit Please don’t pin threads. It doesn’t increase visibility any more than a normal post since this channel is relatively low-volume, its obnoxious to those of us watching this channel regularly, and it’s unfair to others who are using this channel properly
@Casey Brooks sorry t thought it was pinned for me not for all
đź‘Ť 1
mockk has support of suspend functions out of the box But not sure how this related to Hilt