Is wrapping LiveData into a delegate a good/bad id...
# android
Is wrapping LiveData into a delegate a good/bad idea?
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 * Convenience property delegate for accessing and setting the live data value
class LiveDataDelegate<T> : MutableLiveData<T> {

    constructor(value: T) : super(value)
    constructor() : super()

    operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? = value
    operator fun setValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
        this.value = value
So then I could do:
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// In Some ViewModel
private val stateDelegate = LiveDateDelegate(SomeState())
private var _state by stateDelegate
private val state: LiveData<SomeState> 
  get() = _state

fun onSomeUserEvent() {
  // no need to call state.value
  _state = _state.copy(
    // update the state
Opinions are welcome
You can do this for any LiveData you might be using with the following:
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inline operator fun <T> LiveData<T>.getValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value

inline operator fun <T> MutableLiveData<T>.setValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
    this.value = value
❤️ 1
Ah! Right, liveData.observeAsState delegate was declared that way. Just curious if there’s drawbacks as it wasn’t part of the standard library. Was asking because I’m thinking of doing to same for MutableStateFlow (and replacing LiveData to remove eliminate nullability for state)
If you do that then how can you observe/collect it?
you can't 🙂
if you write to it everywhere it can be kind of cute as your private interface to a hot data source, but ultimately it's kind of impractical outside of something like compose's snapshot state that tracks subscriptions implicitly
Do you think it's possible to make the Views react to it when it's changed? Like how compose does it
databinding is one way, you could also use compose's snapshot system directly if you were so inclined. Probably a decent bit of manual wire-up to get there, but
might be interesting to you:
If you do that then how can you observe/collect it? (edited)
Thinking along these lines
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// ViewModel
private val mutableStateFlow = mutableStateFlow(state)
private var _state by mutableStateFlow
val state: StateFlow<State>
  get() = _state

fun someFun() {
  _state = _state.copy(
    loading = true

// Composable View
as alternative to a combine function where you write everything twice for every new property in the state
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  // grows down
) { loading, items -> // grows
    loading = loading,
    items = items,
    // grows again
  ).collect {
    _state.value  = it