Hi all - is the generated Keystore file meant to h...
# android
Hi all - is the generated Keystore file meant to have an extension like .jks or .keystore? At the moment, I just see a simple file named keystore with no extension or anything. For context: trying to use Fastlane to sign, build, and deploy aab for internal testing, but keep getting an error and wondering if it might be to do with the keystore pathing
google 2
Yep, tried Google, now I’m trying here
https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing did you go through this documentation?
@KingKongCoder - Stupidly, I didn’t look further down to the signing config piece (I was stuck on using the keystore per Fastlane examples) - turns out the signing config makes life much easier!!
👍 1