Good day to all! :slightly_smiling_face: My name ...
# android
Good day to all! 🙂 My name is Eugene and I'm a product manager at JetBrains. Currently, I look for Java developers who continue to use Java in their production projects. I'd like to learn more about your UCs and why's do you use Java instead of Kotlin. I think most of you have completely switched to Kotlin, but perhaps you know people out of this channel who continue to use Java 🤔 Just DM me and I'll ask a few questions 🤖 That's it. Have a nice day and happy coding 👩‍💻
👍 1
Hello! I'm not sure you'll find lots of them here. Best would be to make a partership with folks from Google Play to find them and try to guide them towards you or reach university professors that still ask students to do Android apps in Java for the curriculum (which are numerous, I can probably find some for you in France BTW)
Thanks Louis! It will be cool to talk with professors, especially in English 🙂 Yeah, work with google is something that I'm doing in a parallel, but it's not so easy. To much data is confidential and even Google can't identify company/person because of no personal data collected on their end. btw: splitties looks cool)
I think it makes sense to target top 1000 applications (and probably exclude games) and check which do not include Kotlin stdlib, maybe it would be more efficiently to contact directly with those companies to receive comments about it
🧠 1
I'm joining a new company 1st of october... The're using Java! I'll let you know why when i start.
🙌 1
I know exact 1 person, who was using Java on Android and as far as I know still using it, because of the following reason
Performance is better in Java compare to Kotlin and static classes are evil
. All talks we had about the usability of the language did not result any progress 😄 My personal feeling is that he knows the Java very well for the last 10 years and he just do not want to become a student again 🤔 this is how I feel it. (just to note… I do not work in the company with this Java guru anymore)
static classes are evil
What? 😅
@gildor it's a good idea to look at the top 1000 apps. But how to understand which of them use Kotlin? Thanks for reddit suggestion, it's already done. Talking about Slack I've found bigger community (maybe it will be interesting for you). But I'll definitely try my luck in Thanks!
how to understand which of them use Kotlin?
@Eugene If you're in touch with folks from Google focused on that too, they sure have a way to analyze the apps and know that. Would probably be more efficient to reuse their technique.
@aipok it's an important thought. Thanks for sharing!
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@louiscad I'll try and get back to this thread
There is no 100% way, but there are some markers, like particular classes in dex, or even in Manifest
Also files in META-INF
yep, but many apps avoid packing kotlin metdata files tho
And just searching for "kotlin" in plain text in the files present in the apk archive