Does anyone have any insight on how I could build ...
# android
Does anyone have any insight on how I could build this radial selection in Android? This is a screenshot from the iOS app. I’m still pretty new to Android and I’m not even sure where to start Googling.

That seems like a job for a custom view
Personally, I break problems like this down into smaller challenges. So for instance, looking at where the white outline goes, it looks like the custom view is drawing the circle with 8 segments and then on top of that drawing a filled rectangle for the 12-o’clock box (see how it adds a little thickness to the outline at the very top) and lastly the icon in the center. Do you know polar coordinates? Convert the (x, y) cartesian coordinates of a touch event into the equivalent polar coordinates (with their origin in the center of the screen) - knowing if you’re inside or outside the circle is a snap at that point, as is knowing which segment needs to be selected or toggled.
That’s very close to how the iOS component was built! That make sense in terms of what to draw, but how to draw it? Meaning, what type of Android “thing” do I need to implement? In SwiftUI I did this with a custom
built with
objects. Is there something similar in Android?
I cant speak to the higher level APIs like Jetpack Compose, but take a look at the
class ( - there are methods for drawing directly onto the custom component, including
Ah, awesome! That’s exactly what I was looking for. Had no idea what to Google, though. Thank you Paul!
Looks like Armada or Attack Wing or something 😄
It’s for X-Wing!
Ah, I was close!
Some friends of mine are way into this whole series of games
There’s so much. Both content and physically ha. My collection took up as much as all my other board games put together 🤣
Anyway yeah, to do this with Views, subclass View and override onDraw to paint with the canvas API above; call invalidate on the view when data changes to make it redraw. Override onTouchEvent to do complex gestures at a low level
Compose is a bit different but the
Canvas {}
composable function there has similar capabilities but with the reactive observation built in
At a high level that makes sense. Sounds closer to what I did to build it in UIKit before the SwiftUI version.
Probably. Mutable UI tree toolkits all rhyme to some extent just due to a common problem shape
At risk of going off on a tangent… if I were trying to migrate a SwiftUI app to Android (this one) with little Android experience, am I crazy to go to production with Compose right now?
Probably. One big hurdle right now is that some parts of accessibility are WIP. There will continue to be breaking API changes until beta and possibly a few after that and before 1.0 if needed. It partially depends on your timeline and target audience size/disposition.
If you want the simple answer, no, don't ship it yet 🙂
That makes sense. I’m trying to figure out if that is worth it over learning/writing “old” Android and then again when Compose is more ready.
It's going to be common to see a combination of both in the wild for some time, knowing how both work and being comfortable in each will be useful regardless, I think
That’s a very fair point.
At a minimum, Views are still the physics of the universe that Android operates with. The life of a frame and the life of input events start from Views as an entry point even when compose is abstracting it and you don't see it directly
It's certainly a goal that you be able to start with compose and stay there, but extra knowledge isn't going to be wasted
That’s good to know, and quite a relief. It took me like an entire day to get a
working 😆
Yeah we're trying to make that a lot easier on the other side 😄
Exciting! Thanks for letting me pick your brain, I appreciate it.
👍 1
Hi , don't go for canvas. you can make that using Animate victor drawable - Path morphing. ask your designer to provide all set of SVG images , you can change the shape by switching to one path to another