This is making all my questions null once it goes ...
# android
This is making all my questions null once it goes to the question as the submit button was pressed in q1, i need it to nullify the options once the submit button has been pressed in each question and then un-nullify when going to the next question. Rather than just nullifying the options for all questions once submit has been pressed in one. I guess once it goes to the next question, they should be tv_option_(number of option).setOnClickListener(this) again. Can't seem to get it to work. For context making a quiz app, any help appreciated!
Did u try btn.isClickable = false/true ?
Thanks for the reply, if I do this and set them to isClickable = false, I have the issue where all options after question 2 become not clickable. How can I make them clickable once you go onto a next question? finding that difficult so should apply to current question 1 (choose option, submit button pressed -> options not clickable), question 2 (submit button pressed -> options not clickable) etc. However I have it when you are on question 2, you cannot choose any options to submit
Why don't you use radio group?
Whats the benefit of radio group? Right now the options I have are textviews so tv_option_one is the id of textview. If i use radio group, can I still make it look like a box that highlights when clicked on? rather than an option with circle
Yes, u can remove circiles and customize radio button for any UI u wish, I am sure it will solve your many problems.
Thanks but how can it solve the issue of not changing answers? Thanks
Still has the same issue, I need to include a method like the one above that i'm trying to implement, this is more code: