Does someone know where I can find the release not...
# android
Does someone know where I can find the release notes for the android gradle plugin version 4.2.0-alpha01. I have a buildSrc folder and since I updated to this version the task
fails with the message "Caused by: org.gradle.api.plugins.InvalidPluginException: An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'android']" and a lot of other errors. I'm using AS 4.2 C1, when I switch AGP back to version 4.1.0-beta01 it runs the task properly. Are there any breaking changes in the new AGP version?
I had the same problem and I created my own extension functions to avoid this problem
Thats smart. Thanks for sharing!
👍 1
I still get the error "An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: '']". Do you have an idea what I missed?
ok got it. @Javier Do you know how I can resolve
within the
I think I did in some of my projects but I don't remember where