Anyone is having problems with buildSrc (kts files...
# android
Anyone is having problems with buildSrc (kts files) and the new AGP 4.2 plugin?
What problems are you having?
There you can download the repo
I think it is failing applying the android plugins (library and application)
@Javier Your bug report doesn't state what is not working.
…nor how it is not working.
Yep, I will add
but I said you, it is failing when it try to apply the android plugins
Copy code
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: GradleProperties has not been loaded yet.
No info about this, do you know something about it @louiscad?
Please, provide more details next time, from the beginning. Your issue is about precompiled plugins from buildSrc (which Gradle version are you using BTW?), which you didn't state initially. Also, by problem, you mean an exception (triggered when? Gradle sync? something else?) You need to take the time to send proper bug reports, also. The title, the issue with reproducin steps, even if minimal (not "go check this project, there's a problem"). Saying it doesn't work will only make bug triagers go mad, and other people that could help you, lose their minds as well. Now, I'm not using precompiled scripts in buildSrc at this time, but I think the issue you reported is enough if you correct it before a bug triager deals with it. If it's closed with no fix, you'll need to open a new one that is clear (BTW, there's some info on how to do it right on in addition to common sense and putting yourself in the position of the people that will read your bug). I tried to be shorter than the stacktrace you posted 🙂 I hope you understand and your issue will get fixed. If it's not a bug, but something different, please report back about the solution here, it might help people searching this Slack later.
Gradle 6.5
I shared the project because it is easier to see by yourself, btw you have comments in the issue
To reproduce the issue you only have to download it
After AS imports it, you will have the stacktrace
It's easier for you. It's not easier for others to not even know what the problem is about in the first place.
To be specific about your bug report, I'm puzzled by 2 things: 1. The title "AGP 4.2.0-alpha01 and buildSrc and Kotlin precompiled plugins" which doesn't say imply any issue on its own. Need to say "breaks gradle sync" or alike. 2. The initial message that doesn't say what's broken either. That's maybe just my point of view, but I think it's important to provide a clear message right from the start, and not fix and patch through comments after you already submitted for people to read an incomplete bug report. Doing it right, as possible, is showing respect of the time of others.
Note that Google's issue tracker allows you to edit the initial message (unsure if it sends email for edits though).
I didn’t found the edit button
My bad, the pencil icon is on all comments but the first one…
I fixed the problem creating extensions which replaces the accessors, for some reason they are not available (I think they can't be generated for some reason)
👍 2