Hello I’ve used this code to animate views while f...
# android
Hello I’ve used this code to animate views while fragment replacement
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transaction.addSharedElement(buttonSignIn, buttonSignIn.transitionName)
        .addSharedElement(socialSigninButtonContainer, socialSigninButtonContainer.transitionName)
        .addSharedElement(signInInputsContainer, signInInputsContainer.transitionName)
        .addSharedElement(textViewCopyright, textViewCopyright.transitionName)

val autoTransition = AutoTransition().also {
    it.interpolator = AccelerateInterpolator()
fragment.allowEnterTransitionOverlap = true
fragment.allowReturnTransitionOverlap = true
fragment.sharedElementEnterTransition = autoTransition
the problem is I want to add a fading out/in animation with sync with the sliding one
google 3
🤔 1
❤️ 2
@asyn I want answers 😄
❤️ 1
Will using an TransitionSet not help you?