I’m seeing following issue with LiveData and `view...
# android
I’m seeing following issue with LiveData and
If I’m trying to update live data in my VM from
other fragments with same VM do not get it from observer. I have to use
and in that case it delivered properly. Does anyone know why could it be? Previously I have been using
Copy code
uiScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + job)
to launch coroutines inside my fragments and it was working fine with
but after I switched to
it is not anymore.
Maybe, each Fragment has its own
and they can't see each other. So you can't publish a value inside one scope and expect to receive in another from another fragment
maybe I'm wrong, I'm just trying to undertand better your problem
What do you mean by other fragments? How ate these fragments grouped, In a viewpager? In a nav graph? Or simply being replaced manually by using a fragment manager?
I have activity that inject fragments… I manually replacing fragments inside it. VM is tight to activity instance and is the same for all the fragments, since they are getting shared instance.