hello there, I just want to know if there’s a serv...
# android
hello there, I just want to know if there’s a server rendering solution for Android, like getting json describe the ui and a generator in android to do that, I know about compose but I need a production ready solution
how about https://github.com/cashapp/contour? Although not exactly the same as Compose
did you try those libs?
well no, I just heard about contour today 😄
@Mohamed Ibrahim I'm using #splitties (the version
hosted on https://dl.bintray.com/louiscad/splitties-dev). I'm not doing server rendering, but I know it's definitely possible with Splitties. Do you have any specific question?
If you you could give me an example of the back end model to use it in server rendering well I could convince my team to use it
@Mohamed Ibrahim Splitties is just extensions to do plain Views. The backend model is up to you (and your team), and then, it's just `if`s and `when`s, composition, implementation and inheritance to condition creating, styling, layout…
👍 1
one of them is deprecated
and Lona hasn’t yet released the android side of it
but these are/were powering their production apps
at least some screens
I have to say, when we tried doing this, it was a terrible, terrible thing. We spent so much time trying to get something to work, and I guarantee you that we spent more time doing that than we saved by being able to change the UI without updating the app.