Does anyone know how I would be able to tell if my...
# android
Does anyone know how I would be able to tell if my final apk is bundling kotlin reflect? I heard that if you add Moshi and moshi-kotlin it will have to pull in the kotlin reflect lib which in turn would make your apk ~2MB larger in size. I've used the apk analyzer and I wasn't able to find anything that large, but curious if anyone knows better than me.
Analyzer would be my goto. I thought I used moshi-kotlin at a previous company and our APK was around 6mb I think so I am quite skeptical it would add that much to your apk unless you aren't minifying
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Not minifying, but yeah I'm confortable using apk analyzer I jst kind of don't know what I'm looking for.
If you start by looking at
and going through the other ones (might be multiple if you have multi-dexing). Clicking on the dex file within analyzing lets you look at the different packages, classes, and functions
Do you know what package I'd be looking for? Not super comfortable with the topic of reflection so I'm not 100% sure what I'd be looking for.
I think it's
either that or
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