Hey, anyone has any idea about creating a tablet e...
# android
Hey, anyone has any idea about creating a tablet emulator without a built-in hardware camera feature. So, I could test the application for my workflow.
I think you can do that in the AVD Manager by selecting "Create Hardware Profile" https://developer.android.com/studio/run/managing-avds#createhp
Thanks for your response. Actually, I was able to create an emulator without built-in camera, but the thing is whenever I check whether the camera feature is supported or not for such emulator, then it results in giving the true response everytime. Even if the camera feature is not supported.
What function are you using to check?
packageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA) It detects whether the device support camera feature or not. In my case it returns true even if I ran the application on emulator that doesn't have built-in camera feature
I think you'd want to call this function and wrap it in a try/catch: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraManager#getCameraIdList()
Yeah, I thought of it and tried that too. It also detects 2 cameras for such emulators.
Thanks @luke. It worked by using the CameraManager API. I was using the old emulator that has camera, so got that result. Thanks for you response.
Nice one. I should have read your message earlier, I just knocked up a sample 😄
Oops! Btw thanks for your efforts.
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