Hi, is `Jetpack Compose` aware of configuration ch...
# android
Hi, is
Jetpack Compose
aware of configuration changes or should we still use
AAC ViewModel
for this purpose?
Hi! We're over in #compose if you'd like to join us there. If you mean to ask whether compose state is retained across activity recreation, there are the savedInstanceState functions but the non-parcelable variants aren't there yet. They'll be coming before long, but no immediate ETA. AAC ViewModel will work just fine until then.
Ahh nice thank you, I will join
So did I understand right, that AAC ViewModel will be replaced by these savedInstanceState functions when they are available?
The savedInstanceState functions are already there in compose, those handle cold process restart cases. The activity recreation in a live process case is the intermediate case that compose doesn't have API for yet.
Sure thats what I mean, my bad. But ViewModel's existence is still justified right? I have a lot of business logic within my Composable functions. Is it encouraged to move such code to a ViewModel or whats the best practice for handling business logic with compose?