Quick question, I got two lists. List A are local ...
# android
Quick question, I got two lists. List A are local photos (Android room database), List B are photos from the network. I want to compare both lists and show a 'favorite' icon if an item from List A is present in List B
create a set with local photo's ids:
val localIds = localPhotos.map { it.id }.toSet()
then just use map on listB
listB.map { it.copy(isFavorite = localIds.contains(it.id)) }
Most likely there is no simplier (with the ~same performance) way to do this
Thnx, will try this approach. To complicate my case a little more, it needs to be reactive. So when a user removes an photo from the local database, this needs to be shown in List B immediately. Both are LiveData lists.
I was looking at .map and .switchMap operators for LiveData but not sure which one would suit my case
You need something like Rx's combineLatest, in LiveData you need to use MediatorLiveData - implementation will be like this - https://gist.github.com/y-polek/42afe8fdb1518db471fb27e646526a06#file-livedataext-kt-L20
thanks, but I am using coroutines. I will try to return a Flow from my room Dao and in my repository write the logic you provide above.
LiveData in viewmodels for views to observe, suspending functions in repository and room db. Thnx for the link