Typing Kotlin code in Android Studio is too slow. ...
# android
Typing Kotlin code in Android Studio is too slow. Please consider voting for this issue to draw more attention to the problem. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-32158
👍 5
I noticed that it began to freeze while typing from the time I installed the Kotlin plugin 1.3.70. This is especially slow when there are errors in the file I am currently typing. Have anyone noticed the same thing ?
I've had kotlin typing perf issues for almost 2 years now. Every plugin had been bad.
Please note that this is a kitchen sink issue at this point, it's not clear what exactly is going to be fixed there. Please consider creating a separate issue according to https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241235-Reporting-performance-problems#CPU_Snapshot_2019_2, your case is very likely to be different from the original.
Will refer to this article next time I see an issue. Thank you.
@Alexey Belkov [JB] just happened to me again. I had a variable that I was using in my file, and I deleted it. It took 15 seconds for the file to "understand" that the variable was deleted and it error highlighted the one place where it was used. In this case, the IDE didn't "hand" or become unresponsive, it's just that error highlighting was slow. What should I do in this case to get the right data to JB?
It's explained in the article. Ideally you should create an issue with a CPU snapshot, zip archive of IDE logs and a sample project with steps to reproduce if possible.