I'm trying to parcelize an inline class but I'm ge...
# android
I'm trying to parcelize an inline class but I'm getting a runtime crash
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: LpackaageName/DealershipId$Creator;
Copy code
inline class DealershipId(val value: String): Parcelable
Did anybody encounter this? Kotlin 1.3.70, but wasn't working on 1.3.61 either
inline classes are experimental. I don't think using them in conjunction with
is supported for now. Here's my suggestion: Ask for that feature on kotl.in/issue and in another issue that you link, request that an error is shown at compile time or at least in the IDE when trying to use them together while this isn't supported.
Once you have created the issue, please link it here 🙂
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@louiscad I decided to create a bug issue first and wait for the response, based on that I can follow up with a feature request or suggest adding a compile time check for this. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-37384?project=kt
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Perfect @jossiwolf!
Thanks for the help 🙂