When creating a LiveData in kotlin is there really...
# android
When creating a LiveData in kotlin is there really any difference between
? Since all the methods in LiveData are nullable the the types in
are both nullable and it doesn’t prevent you from setting either value as null. Is it just as a reminder not to set it null?
Not sure LiveData can handle nullability
It doesn’t as far as I can tell. Just noticed that this code lab uses a nullable type for one LiveData and a non nullable type for another https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/advanced-kotlin-coroutines/?authuser=0#13
Might be a reminder yes
You can recreate a nonnull wrapper for livedata which is passed a default value. This works well for simple cases where you are just changing it via myLiveData.value = whatever. Gets more complicated when you start using the maps or livedata from a repository where its loading something async. In those cases even though you'd like your data to never be null the short time between loading and loaded is a weird state, you know its never going to be null... eventually, so you gotta handle that case by allowing null.