My Android emulator has no internet on a macOS tha...
# android
My Android emulator has no internet on a macOS that has internet. I have no idea how to investigate or what do do? Any idea? cause this is making me mad 🙂 Edit: after using Google DNS and wiping out the data and updating everything, the internet started to work again but I don't know why
Are you under a proxy or something similar?
Have you checked the cellular options in the 3 dots menu of emulator?
My home wifi has issues that I should probably fix. Is the Android emulator connecting to the internet directly via wifi or is it using the macOS internet connection?
You might have some DNS issues. Try to flush your DNS or assign custom DNS
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I have checked my emulator, and the wifi is disconnected, just using data
I think emulator use your OS internet connection by default
after using Google DNS and wiping out the data and updating everything, the internet started to work again but I don't know why
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the emulator is very slow though but I guess that's normal
I used to have this issue after setting up custom DNS servers on my mac. I had to either set up Google’s (or other) DNS servers explicitly in emulator settings, I recall running it with
emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_28 -dns-server
the emulator is very slow though but I guess that’s normal
Depending how slow, but I wouldn’t say it’s normal. Emulator is pretty fast now in all aspects
Make sure you have HAXM installed and that you enabled kernel extension in settings -> security after that (
kextstat | grep intel
in terminal yields two entries for me)
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I have a similar issue when connecting to my VPN while the emulator is running. Usually rebooting the emulator solves the issue 😅
Thanks for the tip,
$ kextstat
gives me intelhaxm. Any way it's quick enough that I can work with this
Copy code
172    0 0xffffff7f84fb3000 0x29000    0x29000 (7.5.1) D0CC7B8F-1F62-33B1-BE6B-B5573D2A607B <8 6 5 3 1>
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That should be fine then. You can also verify in AVD Manager that for that emulator you have hardware graphics emulation, perhaps multi-core CPU if your mac allows, and reasonable RAM. And use recommended images, it should be pretty fast (specifically later emulators, like API 28/29)
Nexus 6 has the hardware graphics option
I have this issue after the laptop was suspended. Restarting the emulator usually fixes it for me (wiping data is not needed)
That is quite common for android, I would recommend deleting that avd and creating a new one and don’t get too stuck trying to debug it’s not worth the stress!