I haven't done Android development in a long while...
# android
I haven't done Android development in a long while and I am trying to build a little demo app and Android Studio says Android module missing. I'm stumped is there anyone who can take a look at https://github.com/open-jumpco/kfsm-android and tell me what is missing?
I can open this project and it can see
module. Which version of Android Studio you are using? You can try to checkout as a new repo (this is how I did it)... File -> New -> Project from version control -> put the URL (https://github.com/open-jumpco/kfsm-android.git) and clone somethere. Give it time to build and it should be fine. Be aware to update to at least Android Studio 3.5.3 or above, otherwise it might fail to build, since gradle plugin on this project is set to
I am on 3.5.3 I can do a Gradle command line build but when I try and run within Android Studio it says Gradle project sync failed and then idea.log contains:
2020-01-29 13:30:08,008 [e-1483-b03]   WARN - un.AndroidRunConfigurationBase - Can't get application ID: Android module missing
Guess what just happended: I closed Android Studio and opened the project again and it launches as expected.
It now works as expected. You are welcome to take a look and point out any stupid things.
Ah, the “jiggle the handle” of tech
Turning it off and on again.
