Folks remember, real devs go native! None of that ...
# android
Folks remember, real devs go native! None of that flutter or react bs.
You know Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI uses declarative UI that is very react like.
react native* my bad
So if you’re the single mobile developer at a company, shipping apps for two platforms, making money – if you’re using flutter or react you’re not a “real” dev? What would you be?
🤣 6
A poser.
Would using kotlin multiplatform to compile to iOS make you a poser?
This sort of comment doesn't make for the most inclusive space. Different developers have different requirements and different circumstances, and just because someone is using a different technology than the one you prefer or happen to have learned does not make them less valid. We are all here to solve problems, and try to use the best tools for the job. This slack should be welcoming to flutter & RN devs who are using kotlin for integrations on Android as well as full-native kotlin developers.
👍 6
I think he was just making a joke.
Besides, everyone knows real devs only write in Brainfuck. 😄
I'm pretty sure real devs use butterflies
real devs are myths, they don’t exists