<@U0BFDUP0E> Trying to use ViewBinding in my proje...
# android
@jw Trying to use ViewBinding in my project but while the IDE says everything is OK and show the supposedly generated files, compilation that does not work and the import tells me Unresolved reference: databinding. I can't find any error or logs and only related file is a xxx-binding_classes.json containing
Copy code
  "mappings": {}
To be able to properly report the issue what logs or options should I activate as I'll probably won't be able to generate a small repro case asked by first level triage.
Are you using the correct Android Studio version? Also, is the viewBinding flag enabled in your gradle?
Yes and Yes IDE shows everything OK. (3.6RC1)
Rerun the task, it's often stuck
./gradlew app:assembleDebug --rerun-tasks
👍 1
Works thanks. Is there already a bug report about that that I should follow?
I don't think so
Open an issue, I'll star it 🙂
Good to know 😅 I have been using them for pet projects but never had any issues
Will be for tomorrow now 🙂
the IDE and CLI builds are unrelated
you should not need to see files on disk for the IDE to work
anyway i'm on vacation until monday so no bugs are being looked at until then
😀 1