Hey, I have a login fun and I want it to wait for ...
# android
Hey, I have a login fun and I want it to wait for .signInWithEmail.. to finish and then based on it's result, to do something and return a TaskResult. Now the problem is that the onCompleteListener doesn't happen before the last return. Is there a way to wait for its completion? I looked into .async and .await but didn't find any useful docs. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. (this is in my RemoteDataSource and the Repository calls the Login fun)
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fun Login(email: String, password: String): TaskResult {
         var taskResult = TaskResult.LOADING

          firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email,password).addOnCompleteListener { 
                  taskResult = TaskResult.SUCCESS

         return taskResult // THIS TRIGGERS BEFORE THE ONCOMPLETELISTENER, so I always get TaskResult.Loading back
I am also looking to run this in a coroutine
You can use Continuation with suspendCoroutine :
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suspend fun login(...): TaskResult = suspendCoroutine { cont ->
        firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email,password).addOnCompleteListener {
            if (it.isSuccessful) {
                taskResult = TaskResult.SUCCESS
you'll probably want to use
so that you can resume things based on job cancellation; firebase
doesn't support cancelling the actual work but you can clean up your own code at least
Thanks! I will look into it, didn't know about this.
(slight correction:
itself doesn't support it but some rare firebase operations support passing a cancellation token forward and you can wire that up to the coroutines cancellation mechanism when it's available. It's not very consistent.)