So I'm trying to parse a json message. The result ...
# android
So I'm trying to parse a json message. The result of the parsing is just my default initialization object.
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val gson = GsonBuilder()

val jobAcceptRequest = gson.fromJson(body,
The json is this:
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  "Id": 44,
  "SenderId": "5d2f80d3-9199-4017-a5df-1d669928a0af",
  "JobId": 13
And the class:
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class JobAcceptRequest {
    @Expose(serialize = false)
    var id: Int = 0
    @Expose(serialize = false)
    var senderId: String = ""
    var jobId: Int = 0
I've parsed pretty much the same thing before and it worked fine then. What's wrong here?...
Uppercase of I on id?
Hm. You are correct, the uppercase solved the issue. Weird because I was pretty sure that I was sending uppercase before as well. I'll have to look into handling that then, thank you!