something that has confused me with coroutines is ...
# android
something that has confused me with coroutines is that you often see things done with runBlocking. Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of making a thing a suspend function?
For instance if you are on the main thread and calling into a viewModel to load from DB in a suspend function using the runBlocking builder - is that not equivalent to just calling the blocking version without using coroutines at all?
Just don't do that as much as possible. It was designed for the cases when you need to perform blocking operation.
From docs:
This function should not be used from a coroutine. It is designed to bridge regular blocking code to libraries that are written in suspending style, to be used in main functions and in tests.
I guess this goes back before coroutines to the argument that db INSERTs are fast enough for main thread.
most Room/Coroutine examples I see do this
Those are wrong then
👍 Good to know. Trying to form a True North for coroutine usage. Seems to be lots of incorrect stuff out there.
Could you show these examples? Inserts may take a while if there is another transaction for example
Is it true then that correct usage of coroutine/Mvvm will most certainly make use of an async vehicle like LiveData or RxJava? (or Flow)
Copy code
fun getAllSprockets(): List<Sprockets> = runBlocking {
    val deferred: Deferred<List<Sprockets>> = async {
consider something like this as a public viewmodel interface
from what I'm hearing, this is flat wrong
which jives with my other opinion that having
on a VM is an antipattern
wrapping repository call to async and then to runBlocking doesn't make any sense to me 🤷 it could be
Copy code
suspend fun getAllSprockets() = repository.getAllSprockets()
if repository call is suspend fun or
Copy code
fun getAllSprockets() = repository.getAllSprockets()
if it blocking or
Copy code
suspend fun getAllSprockets() = runBlocking { return repository.getAllSprockets()
if repository call is suspend fun, but you need blocking
👍 1
OK cool so it's not just me thinking this is weird 🙂 . In the first case you are exposing a suspend function to the consumer of the VM which I suppose is just moving the problem. Eventually I guess you'd want to use a launch or async builder to wrap that
for anyone following this thread - I found this very useful : . Best thing I've read yet to make sense of things