How do I exclude a property in a data class from b...
# android
How do I exclude a property in a data class from being Parcelized?
Copy code
data class State(
  val userId: String = 1234,
  val userResource: Resource<User> = Resource.Uninitialized
): Parcelable
I want to exclude the
property from being Parcelized, as the
class is not Parcelable. Here is the warning I get from the IDE:
Type is not directly supported by @Parcelize. Annotate the field with @RawValue if you want to be serialized using 'writeValue()'
does not work, and neither does
(I get the warning that it is not applicable on properties in primary constructor). Any way to solve this?
Have you tried remove this property from the primary constructor?
That works, but it requires me to create a secondary constructor. All the parcelable properties go in the primary constructor, and the un-parcelable ones go in the secondary constructor. However this involves a dealbreaker: we can not have `val`s in secondary constructors. So the only solution is to do something like this:
Copy code
data class State(
  val userId: Int = 1234
): Parcelable {
  private lateinit var resource: Resource<User>
  constructor(missionId: Int, userRes: Resource<User>) {
    this.resource = userRes
This, of course is not great because I lose immutability (resource is now a var). Also, the auto-generated copy function does not accept secondary constructor params.
yeah… you’re right… 😞 maybe you can wrap your class and just serialize the internal props that you want… 🤷‍♂️
a simple way would just the factor pattern
factory pattery
or the secondary constructor ,would just call the primary constructor. or don't use the @Parcerlize annotation , and just override everything manually