Has anyone found a way to force reinitiation of a ...
# android
Has anyone found a way to force reinitiation of a viewmodel?
What does ‘reinitiation’ mean? What are you trying to accomplish?
Destroy the existing instance and create a new one
I’m looking for a way to destroy a viewmodel without destroying the Application
what I mean is why? What would that accomplish? e.g: You need to reclaim resources? You need to observe again from a LiveData?
I need to recreate it with new arguments and clear all its values
Clearing state should not require recreating it. Can you not just modify state as desired? The whole point of a ViewModel is that it can exist independently of an activity’s/fragment’s LifeCycle.
Clearing all the values would be simple yes, I’m mainly looking for how to recreate it with new arguments
I see no reason for recreating a ViewModel when you can just change any of those arguments as part of it’s state. Perhaps the arguments you have on the constructor shouldn’t be provided there?
iirc there is no clear way to do this, BUT there is hack that allows you to drop an old VM - if you look at ViewModelProvider source code (you need #get(key, class) fun), it only overrides VM in store if a new class doesn't match previously created VM's class. So you can play around it - create FakeViewModel with the same key, then you will be able to recreate your VM again.
But I don't recommend doing this 🙂
Hmm I wouldn’t want to do that 🙁
But thanks for the tip
If you want to recreate ViewModel, don't use ViewModelProvider, just create ViewModel object and manage it by yourself. But I'm not recommend 🙂