<https://hastebin.com/axukizulop.bash> DaggerAppli...
# android
https://hastebin.com/axukizulop.bash DaggerApplicationComp is not found, i tried rebuidling and cleaning the project, I tried a lot of stuff online and nothing has worked Nothing is being generated
You have the correct dependencies. Could you also share your
, the modules it includes and check that your project builds without errors (and if it fails, copy the error trace)
@tseisel I don't get any errors when I remove the DaggerApplicationComponent and everything related to it. ApplicationComponent:
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    modules = [
interface ApplicationComponent : AndroidInjector<QuoteApplication> {

    interface Factory {
        fun create(@BindsInstance applicationContext: Context): ApplicationComponent
Your component looks fine. Try with only those dependencies:
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implementation "com.google.dagger:dagger:$dagger_version"
implementation "com.google.dagger:dagger-android-support:$dagger_version"
kapt "com.google.dagger:dagger-android-processor:$dagger_version"
kapt "com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:$dagger_version"
You also need to add
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apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
for kapt to work properly.
Tried it, still not working... Is it something on my end or a bug perhaps?
I can't tell for sure. Things you could do (if your project is not sensible) is sharing a Gradle Scan here. Running
gradlew app:assembleDebug --scan
should do the trick. This way we could review your build to see if something prevents Dagger from generating your component.
I'm certain I'm doing something wrong, here's the git project It's not sensible as it's a practice project to get a hang of these topics https://github.com/Nikola-Milovic/QuoteAppMvvm