Hello guys I'm wondering if there's a "secure" way...
# android
Hello guys I'm wondering if there's a "secure" way to do the Basic Authentication with retrofit, I'm about to create a
that implements
and then create there the Basic Authentication, the thing is I do not like to have the credentials inside the APP, how do I store the credentials to avoid someone that get the source code could do api calls? I was thinking to do an endpoint call first get the credentials from server and then store them in SP but I do not know if I have to encrypt them or what. Any other suggestions?
stackoverflow 2
This is not related to Kotlin
There's no channel #retrofit 😕
There is no channel for such questions on this Slack, because it’s not related to Kotlin The closest one is #squarelibraries, but I believe it’s also offtopic for this channle
ok thanks 🙂
Hi Skizo
These are the links I’ve followed to write authenticator in android
Good luck!