not directly related to kotlin, but I've tried ask...
# android
not directly related to kotlin, but I've tried asking on the Android United slack and doing a bit of googling. Is Setting up the search interface still the preferred method to do search in Android? It seems heavy and clunky.
stackoverflow 1
I haven't touched that thing ever. Is it too bad to create your own SearchView and place it in a toolbar. Or create your own toolbar. There is plenty of stuff online. It looks clunky and tightly coupled to the Activity yes.
This is not related to Kotlin
By the way first time I heard of this
Android United slack
can anyone join?
What do you mean? Android United is public Slack community, just request invite on their website It's pretty big community. Remember time when it was not english-speaking
I just did a look up on Google and it pops up. Submit the invitation request already. Never heard of it before. Thanks.
Also there is a link on this channel's topic :)