Anyone can recommend best practices on doing `java...
# android
Anyone can recommend best practices on doing
with webview on kotlin?
it’s not different from doing the same on Java. Do you have some particular problem with doing this on Kotlin?
@gildor yea, the thing is I'm not really a native dev. So I have a react-native project and I want to move away from it, cause of its breaking changes, same reason airbnb did it. So I've resulted using WebView to salvage my js code until I learn more native development then replace my js code to native's equivalent.
Official guide is fine, explains how to do that and also has Kotlin snippets:
yea thanks! I was able to call an android toast via js in the webview. Now I got to figure out the camera 🙂
oh, it would be not so easy. I recommend to write all code on native side and have as simple as possible interface for JS
yea, I'm writing the camera function in kotlin and just call that from the webview via interface.