Hey Guys! Our team at QuickBird Studios had to por...
# android
Hey Guys! Our team at QuickBird Studios had to port an iOS app which was using Apple's ResearchKit to create nice surveys. We ended up implementing the relevant parts in Kotlin/Android but wondered if it would make sense to implement such libraries multiplatform. In this case, the common API would be written in Kotlin. iOS is would be using Apple’s implementation whereas Android could just rely on ours. Since we internally had some discussions about this, I would personally be interested about your opinion on such an approach ☺️ This would be our current implementation for reference: https://github.com/quickbirdstudios/SurveyKit
👍 3
If its a lib provided to other parties one consideration is it will increase the lib size
In which regard? 🤔 Because the compiled android part should stay pretty much the same size, or am I missing something?
Android would same (if target using Kotlin already) but iOS would have an additional dependency
Yes, but I think people would just consider this if they plan to use multiplatform anyways, right? If so, the actual overhead of the library would be tiny 🤔