if your making something like an RSS reader and th...
# android
if your making something like an RSS reader and the user clicks to be taken to a rss link site like BBC or whatever, is it okay to do that with a webview or is a custom chrome tab the way to go (and how compatible is that feature with older apis)? Some of these sites seem to be opening the browser instead of populating the webview which shouldn't be happening. I do need to put controls to my site on top of each site visited.
Custom tab. It lets the user keep their browser's cookie jar, logins, sessions, etc. without having to trust your app with logging into third party sites and you can put your UI chrome at the top.
So I can use this custom tab however I want? Can I program in it? Like if I wanted this custom tab to have a small chat room, or if I wanted to put a picture ontop of website as a kinda overlay is that possible? This seems possible with webview, I just want to make sure it's possible with custom tab before I switch. Thanks!
I'm thinking I'll have to use a webview, it's not my content but I hope to interact with it a little differently than most browsers do.
What you're describing sounds like you want to inject content or code into the page the user is viewing, not just provide some chrome around it. That's a much more challenging situation for user privacy.
well, I want to show the site and program anything ontop if it, but Isolated... I mean, don't intend to write any javascript at all.
essentially.... think of it like.... think of it like AOL, lol
Its similar, got a browser burried in there with all kinds a crap on top, that's what I'm building 😃