How much is RxJava needed now, when Kotlin feature...
# android
How much is RxJava needed now, when Kotlin features replace a lot of Rx functions?
Do you need to support Java? Then 100%. Otherwise 0%.
👍 20
@jw can I ask you, if your opinion keeps in mind not released yet Kotlin's Flows? I love rx and not tried coroutines yet, but I'm really interested now
They're released. It's just not stable, but it will be shortly as they're stable in the current RC.
Oh, you are right. Then, coroutines can replace completely rx in pure kotlin project? I really value transformations and process flow in rx irrespective of threading. If coroutines will allow all that, then I think I will give a try in my thesis's project 😉
Hey, I'm confused, what features of kotlin replaces Rx functions? Other than threading with Coroutines.