anyone getting decent coverage measures?
# android
anyone getting decent coverage measures?
Hi, I’m using Jacoco and SonarCloud on my project. I’m getting troubles with some features like the inline class or the default values in interface function. But, anyway, my code coverage is 83% now. Note I’m using Jacoco on mutli Gradle modules, which is really hard to make it work!
Yeah, I have problems with run coverage test on my multi gradle project ;(
Actually, I spent maybe 3 weeks making it works. Now, I don’t touch the config and pray..
😀 1
😅 4
interesting, I probably skip that then, I was planning to give it a go if I could get anything sensible within one day
is there any change you've got snippets of your configuration to share?
Hmmm, just snippets wouldn’t help you, I should maybe write a blog post here
if that's an option I'd love to read it post it on code-coverage channel (or medium for bigger audience ;-))
Jacoco config is always a pain
omg, it's overwhelming
I'll give it a go
I think I'll have to wait for the full moon and the right star alignment for that to work though 😛